Saturday, September 27, 2008

"John McCain is Right"

Last night I watched the first Presidential debate with mommy and daddy. All I got out of it was John is right and Barry doesn't understand. Frankly I don't either but dad gets a kick out of me in my Palin gear. Love ya! XOXO

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandpa Peace Comes to Town

Last week my other grandpa, Dr. Karl Peace, came to visit me! He has a big white beard and my dad tells me he looks like a combination of Santa Claus and Kenny Rogers. Who is Kenny Rogers? Santa sounds cool because he likes good little girls like me. Grandpa Peace held and burped me and overall acted like an old pro at this baby thing. We also joked about who had the best "do."Next time I see him I will impress him with my ability to say my multiplication tables. I hear he is pretty good at math. Until then, love you Grandpa Peace.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Rivah

Mommy and I recently spent the weekend at the rivah with our good friends Aimee, Randy, Matt and Francie. Here Mommy and I are with our two dogs: Sidney and Laney. They are really rivah dogs playing fetch for hours upon hours.

I love our place in Dunnsville. My great-grandmother fixed it up really nice for my arrival. She calls it Heaven's Brook. You may think it is because of the mighty Rappahannock but really it is her name Himmelsbach translated. Either way it is a slice of heaven being there.

Come on down! oxox