Thursday, December 25, 2008

My first Christmas!!

So far today has been totally awesome! Santa came, ate his cookies and drank his egg nog! He even left me a note! My gifts from Aunt Joan, Uncle Bill, Uncle Mickey, Mary and Norman, all grandparents and my parents hit the spot! New outfits, toys and books were just what I had asked for this Christmas. Check out the pictures below for more fun! Yea Santa... and oh yeah, Yea Jesus!

More adventure later today at the Hopkins! OXXO Camden

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Playdate with James

Mom, Dad, and James Karin and Matt Addison watched the Commonwealth Cup at the Rivah. After snacking on chilli and ice cold frother dogs James and I had a playdate. He is a good boy and I see real potential for our friendship. Peace out.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Day of Rest

Now some of you said early on that I resembled my dad, especially in the eyes... but take a gander now! Mom and I are experts at this pasttime even striking the same pose! After church today while dad was watching football and checking his work email we decided to bail and do nap time. Afterall a girl can only take so much football. Peace out.

New Birth

There is one Body and one Spirit; There is one hope in God’s call to us; Celebrant One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; People One God and Father of all

November 2, 2008
All Saints Day
Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works. Amen.

Camden with the Hopkins Family

Peaces and Seiberts
Godparents x 4!

Getting ready for my big day!!

Made in Hanover!

My dad tells me that when his first Halloween came around grandmother Peace made a costume for him. By cutting a burlap ham sack, my dad was a Virginia Ham. In the same agribusiness-based theme my mom and dad decided to make me a tomato but no ordinary one. For my first Halloween I was a GENUINE MADE IN HANOVER COUNTY TOMATO! Check me out... We had a fun night of handing out candy to our neighbors and carving pumpkins with mommy and generally hanging out with my dad. What will my costume be next year??? Dad says I should be a Virginia Peanut.

Back to School

Now that I am getting to be a big girl, Mom and Dad said I need to go to school and get a head start on learning all kinds of cool things. Here I am at WCCDC with my Loren, my caregiver, and Mary, my classmate. My typical day involves getting "floor time" and trying to roll over. I do exercises with my feet both swinging and raising them up and down. I smile a lot and try to sing children's songs. My favortie book today was Corduroy's Thanksgiving. Love and hugs, Camden.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Pickin' in the Center of the Universe

Mommy, Daddy and I visited the Ashland Berry Farm to pick pumpkins for carving. Taylor, Leigh and Tommy Pace joined us for BBQ before taking a long hayride to the pumpkin patch. We were all in search of the Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown. Tommy is my dad's godson and I look forward to being his friend as we grow up together like my dad and Taylor were friends growing up in Ashland. Boo!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"John McCain is Right"

Last night I watched the first Presidential debate with mommy and daddy. All I got out of it was John is right and Barry doesn't understand. Frankly I don't either but dad gets a kick out of me in my Palin gear. Love ya! XOXO

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandpa Peace Comes to Town

Last week my other grandpa, Dr. Karl Peace, came to visit me! He has a big white beard and my dad tells me he looks like a combination of Santa Claus and Kenny Rogers. Who is Kenny Rogers? Santa sounds cool because he likes good little girls like me. Grandpa Peace held and burped me and overall acted like an old pro at this baby thing. We also joked about who had the best "do."Next time I see him I will impress him with my ability to say my multiplication tables. I hear he is pretty good at math. Until then, love you Grandpa Peace.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Rivah

Mommy and I recently spent the weekend at the rivah with our good friends Aimee, Randy, Matt and Francie. Here Mommy and I are with our two dogs: Sidney and Laney. They are really rivah dogs playing fetch for hours upon hours.

I love our place in Dunnsville. My great-grandmother fixed it up really nice for my arrival. She calls it Heaven's Brook. You may think it is because of the mighty Rappahannock but really it is her name Himmelsbach translated. Either way it is a slice of heaven being there.

Come on down! oxox

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gaga Love Me So Much!

My great grandmother Nina Kathryn Kilgour Himmelsbach is my hero. She is 95 and still is fighting for a woman President. It is amazing that when she grew up women couldn't even vote! While I know she was disappointed that Hillary didn't get the nomination I reassured her that I would be the first female President of the United States. She was thrilled but then worried that if I turn out like mommy and daddy I would be a Republican president. This picture is of her lobbying me to believe in a place called Hope... or is that change I can believe in. It's all too confusing for now. How about nap time instead? Below is a picture of three generations of my family... pretty cool!

Our Trip Home

I guess I will be a Jeep girl like my folks because in it I went on August 14th to venture home. Thankfully as the first Peace to be born in Hanover our trip was short, just across town. As the new hostess of the Peace house please let me extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to visit!

Raiders 4-ever!!

Mommy and Kristen have been friends nearly their whole lives. I hope that someday I can make those kind of friends.

Kristen's baby is named Declan. I hear he is a cool dude. But all that is relative since boys are gross.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Trading Places

Mommy's good friend Aunt Aimee brought my new best friend Amelia Cate by to visit and to kick back a few bottles. Our moms are not only pretty but love us more than anything in the world. Here's to the next 18 years! Can you guess who is who?

Go Hokies!

When I was at the hospital I was a popular baby! One night mommy's Virginia Tech friends stopped by to visit. Uncle Mark will be a Doctor soon so he knew to head straight for the anti-bacterial dispenser without instruction. Aunt Jamie and Francie were fast friends. I hear Francie's husband Matt likes the Redskins and Mountain Dew. But I don't really know what those are yet. Tech sounds like a cool place if you can meet nice folks like these!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Where men are men and women are guests...

My dad went to Hampden-Sydney to college. He told me that I won't be able to follow in his footsteps there because it is all-male. I think that is why he has so many girls around him now. Uncle John Morgan offered to send me the VMI prospectus but luckily Mommy has a better plan and it involves doing the hokey pokey!

A wise man once said that "hair is the richest ornament of women;" I agree!

Here are some of my other favorites quotes about hair:
  • I'm not offended by all the dumb-blonde jokes because I know that I'm not dumb. I also know I'm not blonde. ~Dolly Parton
  • How can I control my life when I can't control my hair? ~Author Unknown
  • Gentlemen prefer blondes... but gentlemen marry brunettes. ~Anita Loos
Well, it seems as though my future is well secured!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hello world

Welcome to Camden Peace! Nina Camden Peace was born 8/12/08 at 2:38 PM weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and 21" long. The name Nina represents the 5th generation female on my mom’s side with the same name. Ashley, the new mom, is doing well; she is a true inspiration to me. I will be updating this site as much as we can with newborn photos.

Thank you for your prayers and interest.
Big Poppa Peace

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

On my way...

Mommy and Daddy are anxious to meet me in person. I will have a special claim to fame as the first Peace to be "born" in Hanover! I have been told that I have lots of friends waiting for me. Please check this blog when you want more updates about my progress. I can't wait to meet you.
Baby Girl Peace